What exactly is the picking and packing service?
Pick and pack is a key step within the order fulfilment process. Items relating to each order are picked from their respective locations i.e. boxes, crates etc. and packed in company branded packaging, ready for shipping. In order to provide value for money, 24-7 Steller Packing staff are trained to work with speed, skill and accuracy as this often makes a difference to our clients’ bottom line, as well the final appearance of the product. We take pride in handling different products because we know consumers who receive damaged products are less likely to recommend or buy from our clients again.
Why choose 24-7 Steller Packing as your pick and pack warehouse fulfilment partner?
Because 24-7 Steller Packing can deliver on all pick and pack contracts, we are often relied upon by all of our regular clients to pick, pack and ship on the same day or week with super high levels of accuracy. Our regular and seasonal team members are fully trained and are hardworking during all fulfilment contracts – if needs be, we work longer hours and weekends just to get the job done with a quality guarantee. Our pick and pack warehouse is designed to operate with high levels of efficiency. Many of our contract packing order fulfilments are fast-moving consumer brands and that is why our location in Kent, South East England is an ideal location for international imports as well as domestic products.
What is the secret to our success?
Our experienced management staff have worked in all conditions and with all types of products. There is no adjustment period required as we have a library of knowledge and experience to continually support our clients demands.
Who can 24-7 Steller Packing work with?
Depending on the size of your products and orders, we offer a range of services to meet all requirements and budgets including remedial and quality inspection work.
To find out more about our Pick and Pack fulfilment service, please get in touch. For new business enquiries (or to request a call back), please use one of the following options Thank you.
Tel: 01892 837847
Email: sales@stellerpacking.co.uk